english deutsch
Boating Knots, Boating Magazine, Marinews Boating, Shooting Star's Marlinspike Page, Uspowerboating.com: Boating Knots
Alaska Museum of Fancy Knots, Boondoggle Man, Certificate of Excellence in Handspinning for Chin, Chinese Culture: Chinese Knotting, Chinese Knotting, Gimp Link, Gwen's Fiberarts, Japanese Glass Fishing Float Nets, Korean Knots, Kyoto Library: Musubi
Active Angler's Knot Tying, Fishing Cairns, Fishing Knots, Fishing knots, Fishing Knots, Fishing Knots, Fishing Knots to Know-Animated Knot Lessons, FishSA.com - Tackle Talk, Fly Fishing Knots, Flyfishing Knots
Essential Scout skills explained ; 4th Tyldesley , Scouting Ireland CSI, Scouting Resources
How to Tie the Four in Hand Knot, MBA Style : How To Tie a Tie, Men's Wearhouse: Guy'dLines, MenStyle Video, Neckties.com, ScoutDB.org, Solving a Knotty Problem, Tie a Necktie, Tie Guide, Tie Knot Information
Australian Scouts, Boy Scouts 42nd Brighton, Essential Scout skills explained ; 4th Tyldesley , Forty Boy Scout Knots, Scouting Resources, Troop 9
International Guild of Knot Tyers - Texas Branch, International Guild of Knot Tyers - North American, Knot Tyers, Oskar Kirchhoffs, The International Guild of Knot Tyers - Pacific Am
5.10 Climbing Club: Double Butterfly
Explanation, illustrations, and instructions.
Alrama's Knots
Animated graphics of several knots being tied.
Animated Knot Tying Software
Downloadable demonstration software
Baggy's Rope Box
Covers the Angler's loop, the Fisherman's knot, and the Friendship knot. Step by step illustrations and instructions.
Beer Knot
Photos and instructions for tying this variant of the water knot.
Best Knots for Fishing and Outdoors
Illustrations and instructions for a large number of knots used in fishing, boating and paddling.
Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group
Covers climbing and rescue knots including how to make a seat harness from webbing and the bowline-on-a-coil. Photos and instructions.
Caving Knots
Illustrated guide to the most commonly used knots in underground exploration.
Analysis of the strength loss caused by using a girth hitch. Climbing variations of the girth hitch, the dogvine, the mule knot, and the Figure-8. How to tie a bowline and clove hitch one-handed.
Grogono Animated Knots
Includes information on knots for boating and scouting.
Ian's Shoelace Site
Illustrations and instructions. Including common, faster and more secure knots. Also a section on different methods of lacing shoes.
Irish Climbing
Covers common climbing knots, including five friction knots for ascending the rope. Illustrations and common uses.
Knot Knotes
Trivia, jokes, records, projects, and games. Knot basics. Downloadable fonts.
Knot Knowledge
Covers single loop knots, double loop knots, hitches, friction knots, bends, and stopper knots. Step by step instructions with photos. Definitions of terminology.
Knot Tying DVD
Sells a video (VHS/DVD) showing 47 knots and 6 splices tied from the user's perspective. Also gives information on making and caring for ropes. Language and Subtitle options: English/Spanish.
Knots on the Web
A collection of knotting resources.
New Zealand Speleological Society
Covers common caving knots including the Figure 8, Figure 9, Alpine Butterfly, Italian hitch, and Tape knot. Illustrations and common uses.
Notable Knot Index
New, useful, and interesting bends, loops, hitches, and knots.
Rec.crafts.knots FAQ
Frequently asked questions for the newsgroup, covering resources, recommendations, and links.
Rope Rescue
Covers common rescue knots including the Tensionless hitch, Mariner's knot, and Inline Figure 8. Illustrations and appropriate uses.
Ropers Knots Pages
Index of knots with links, illustrations, and descriptions.
A book of knots, hitches, splicing, lashing and rope making.
Ruckus Society
Covers the Fisherman's knot, Bowline, Prusik, Water knot and several hitches. Illustrations and common uses.
Common sailing knots, including the Figure 8, Square knot, Sheet bend, Clove hitch, and Bowline. Illustrations, instructions, and common uses.
Six Exploding Knots
Covers six knots that untie easily, including the Sliding Butterfly, Double Carrick bend, and Clove Hitch Biting a Bight. Step-by-step illustrations with instructions and a table of properties.
Sophia-Antipolis Speleogical Society
Covers common caving knots including the double figure-8 on a bight and the farmer's knot. Illustrations.
Sporting Adventures Kids Knots
Covers the Bowline, the Fisherman's, the Clove hitch, and the Blood knot. Animated with instructions. Requires Shockwave Player.
Team Whiskers Knots
Catfishing Team. Includes information on baits, knots, rigs, tackle, recipes, and tournaments.
The Knotting Dictionary of Kännet
Covers some common and some uncommon knots, including the Reef knot, Square knot, Sheepshank, Simple Simon Over, Monkey's Fist, and Vice Versa. Illustrations and common uses. What the knot is called in other languages. User-submitted comments.
The Lehigh Group
Covers common marine knots, plus the Hangman's knot, the Scaffold knot, and the Gallows knot. Illustrations and common uses.
The Pitzen Knot
Illustrations and step-by-step instructions.
The Prusik Knot
Discussion, comments, and tips regarding use for both sailing and climbing. History.
University of New England Mountaineering Club
Covers the Alpine Butterfly, Bowline, Clove hitch, and Fisherman's knot. Animation and common uses.
USSDG Sutures
Guide to surgical knots, including sutures.