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Censorship in a Box
American Civil Liberties Union White Paper subtitled 'Why Blocking Software is Wrong for Public Libraries'. "This special report ... provides an in depth look at why mandatory blocking software is both inappropriate and unconstitutional in libraries. [It does] not evaluate any particular product, but rather seek[s] to demonstrate how all blocking software censors valuable speech and gives librarians, educators and parents a false sense of security when providing minors with Internet access."
Filtering the Internet in American Public Librarie
Essay by Jeannette Allis Bastian. "The use of filters to block those Internet sites that some public libraries and/or communities deem undesirable has caused an uproar within the profession as various viewpoints vie for ascendancy. The author examines positions taken by the American Library Association and others and reviews the choices and consequences of various filtering products. She concludes that libraries must retain responsibility for their offerings but also protect First Amendment rights."
Internet Filtering and Blocking
Links to online resources about internet filtering programs and their use in libraries.
NYTimes.com - The Librarian's Web Dilemma
Describes how various local libraries are handling the screening of offensive content on their internet-enabled computers used by the public. Not all of them use filtering software. [Requires free nytimes.com registration to view.]
Public Library Army
Links to various resources regarding recent legislation on public libraries and library users.
The Internet Filter Assessment Project
The purpose of this project was to take a hard look at Internet content filters from a librarian's point of view. Several dozen librarians from around the world participated. Some are filter proponents; some are not. All believe you don't know a tool until you test it. The summary report is online; the full report is available for purchase.