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Carnegie Libraries in Nebraska
Image gallery.
Carnegie Libraries in Nebraska Built 1902-1921
Modern and contemporary photographs of the state's Carnegie buildings.
Carnegie Libraries in Ontario
Illustrated article on the Carnegie benefactions in the province.
Carnegie Libraries in Texas
Checklist of buildings and current uses, with postcards of now-demolished Carnegie libraries.
Carnegie Libraries of California
History, architecture and modern use of every Carnegie library building in the state.
Carnegie Libraries of Scotland
History and architecture with contemporary photographs and original drawings.
Carnegie Libraries, the Future Made Bright
Lesson plan for teaching about Andrew Carnegie's library philanthropy. Includes readings, photos, and suggested activities.
Carnegie Libraries: Andrew Carnegie & Public L
Transcript of television feature on the impact and heritage of Carnegie's donations in the state.
Carnegie Library Buildings in Michigan
List of Carnegie grants in the state with dates and modern photographs.
Carnegie Library Buildings in South Carolina
List of Carnegie buildings in the state with dates and photographs.
Carnegie Public Libraries in Oregon
List of the state's Carnegie libraries with dates, grants and whether they are still in use as libraries.
Carnegie's Library Legacy
The history and renovation of the city's library branches, from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Cleveland's Carnegie Libraries
Contemporary photographs of the branch buildings and facsimiles of correspondence with Carnegie.
Deconstructing the Philanthropic Library: the Soci
Essay examining Carnegie's support for meritocracy and the socialization of immigrants to the United States.
Florida's Carnegie Libraries: a Lasting Legac
Introduction to the benefactions and list of Carnegie libraries in the state.
History of Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries
Biographical material, photographs and details of his benefactions in Pennsylvania.
Illinois Carnegie Libraries
Modern photographs and detailed histories from submissions to the National Register of Historic Places. [PDF]
Indiana Carnegie Libraries
List of the state's Carnegie buildings with year of grant and subsequent renovations or current use.
Oklahoma Historical Society: Carnegie Libraries
Article on Carnegie libraries in Oklahoma.
Public Buildings: American Images: Libraries
Postcards, mainly of Carnegie libraries, from across the United States.
The Carnegie Public Library, Trinidad, Colorado
Article on the library's foundation, with photographs.
The Four Carnegie Libraries, 1903-1921
Notes on the library buildings in Santa Cruz, California.
The Handbook of Texas Online: Carnegie Libraries
Overview of the uptake of Carnegie grants in the state.