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Avanti Library Systems
Avanti Library Systems produces open-source software for libraries.
Bibliograph is an open-source on-line reference manager and collaborative bibliographic tool. It consists of a multi-user management application with a graphical interface and extensible and configurable import and output plug-ins which accept or return bibliographic data in a variety of formatted styles or coded formats.
Books Personal Library Management
Books is an open-source personal library management tool that runs on Mac OSX.
Elvis Digital Library (ElvisDL)
ElvisDL is an open-source e-Library with semantics based on a J2EE platform and XML database.
Emilda is an open-source ILS that features an OPAC, circulation and administration functions, Z39.50 capabilities, and MARC compatibility.
Fedora: Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Rep
Fedora is a general-purpose, open-source digital object repository system.
Greenstone is a suite of open-source software for building and distributing digital library collections.
The HyperJournal is an open-source software application which enables on-line as well as printed publishing.
iBookshelf is an open-source application for cataloging your book collection and designing bookshelves based on this data. It supports ISBN entry using a CueCat, a standard barcode scanner, or manual entry. Book data is automatically fetched from Amazon Web services. Manual book entry is possible for non-cataloged books.
Katipo Communications
Katipo develops and supports open-source applications for libraries, notably Koha ILS and Kea Content Management.
Knowledge Integration Ltd.
Knowledge Integration Ltd. create and maintain open-source software for information and resource sharing--particularly those found in the library automation and public information domains. Their projects include OpenHarvest, OpenRequest, OAIFeeder, and OpenQuestions.
Koha is a free open-source ILS in use at over 50 libraries worldwide. It includes several modules: circulation (issues, returns, transfers, reserves), OPAC, member management, cataloging and acquisitions. It is MARC compliant, has a Z39.50 server and cataloging tools including an integrated MARC editor.
LibLime provides libraries with vendor support for open-source software (migration assistance, staff training, software maintenance and support). Their supported products include Koha ILS, Mambo CMS and DiscrimiNet Filter.
MyLibrary is an open-source interface to collections of Internet resources -- a portal.
Open Source Software and Libraries Bibliography
This bibliography has been compiled by Brenda Chawner, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, as part of her Ph.D. studies. It includes announcements, journal articles, and web documents that are about open source software development in libraries. It also includes articles that describe specific open source applications used in libraries, in particular dSpace, Koha, Greenstone, and MyLibrary.
Open Source Systems for Libraries News (OSS4Lib)
News site covering open-source systems for libraries.
Open-ILS (Evergreen)
Evergreen is an open-source ILS currently being developed by the Georgia Public Library Service for use by the Georgia Library PINES Program, a consortium of 249 public libraries. The Open-ILS site includes background information about the project, relevant links, a regularly updated progress blog, documentation, and links to mailing lists and downloads.
OpenBiblio is an open-source ILS containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality.
OpenSiteSearch is a java-based Z39.50 portal system. Its primary use is for libraries to build search interfaces to one or more Z39.50 targets, such as library catalogue Z39.50 servers, vendor database/ejournal Z39.50 servers, or local digital collections.
phpMyLibrary is an open-source ILS. It consists of cataloging, circulation, and an OPAC module. The programs also has an import/export feature which follows MARC21 (USMARC).
PMB is a french ILS project.
Schoolforge News Journal
Schoolforge's mission is to unify independent organizations that advocate, use, and develop open resources for primary and secondary education.
Virtual Data Center (VDC)
VDC provides a a complete open-source, digital library system for the management, dissemination, exchange, and citation of virtual collections of quantitative data.