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Best Information on the Net
Internet resources selected by librarians at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. Includes a reference desk, a hot paper topics file, sites for many academic disciplines, and internet training resources.
Free online dictionary search, translator, word of the day, crossword puzzles and word games, and vocabulary learning resources for many languages.
Librarians also Help on Web
Article from Central Michigan Life detailing the virtual reference services from the Park Library of Central Michigan University.
Chat reference service offered to patrons of participating Illinois libraries.
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Art information specialists at the National Museum of American Art, using print and electronic reference sources, provide assistance with art reference questions at this site.
The Internet Research Clinic
Useful resources and links for UK based media librarians and information researchers.
The Virtual Reference Desk
A clearinghouse of information for online Q&A practitioners, as well as a locator service to help users find an appropriate "Ask-A" service. The Virtual Reference Desk aims to link the K-12 education community to experts in many fields.