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Columbia University Engineering Library
Guides to electronic and print resources arranged by type of source, including patents, standards, technical reports, government information, and funding agencies.
Cornell University Engineering Library
Library and electronic resources in engineering, including web sites and databases (some only available to Cornell students), and guides to resources, classes, and subject areas.
EELS - Engineering Electronic Library, Sweden
Searchable library of Internet resources in the applied sciences, especially energy technology, light and optical technology, computer science and engineering, and polar research and cold region technology. Resources are annotated and classified according to the Engineering Information, Inc.'s EI classification system.
Institution of Electronic Engineers Library
Links to the online catalogs for books and periodicals as well as information about library services.
Purdue University Siegesmund Engineering Library
Internet sources are located in the "collections" and "resources by discipline" sections, and include government databases, job materials, professional organizations, and subject-oriented links.
Stanford University Engineering Library
Resource guides arranged by type/source of material, with news and library information.
UC Berkeley Kresge Engineering Library
Resources for engineering on the Internet and in the library, with links to library and resource guides.
UIUC Grainger Engineering Library
Resources include access to the specialized Grainger databases, free online engineering databases, and a hyperlinked map of engineering libraries in the United States.
University of Cincinnati Engineering Library
Resources and reference guides, with some access to free online materials, as well as course materials for UC engineering and library courses.
University of Manitoba Donald W. Craik Engineering
Major resources for databases, e-journals, patents, standards, and selected reference aids for a variety of topics including women in engineering, inventions, and career help.
University of Saskatchewan Engineering Library
Engineering information resources include databases, subject guides for applied, theoretical, and social aspects of engineering, and selected web pages.
University of Washington Engineering Library
Print and electronic reference resources arranged by format and/or by subject, including materials in aeronautics, bioengineering, and patents.
Yale University Engineering and Applied Science Li
Electronic resources in engineering, including technical reports, links to patents and standards databases, and web sites.