english deutsch
Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE)
An independent policy research and advocacy organisation focusing on critical national development issues and their relationship to economic growth and democratic consolidation.
Free Market Foundation
An independent policy research and education organisation promoting the principles of limited government, economic freedom and individual liberty.
Freedom of Expression Institute
Campaigns to repeal or amend laws inhibiting freedom of expression and association. FXI seeks to educate and mobilise the public to resist any encroachments on their rights to receive and impart information, ideas and opinion.
Friedrich Nauman Foundation
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation is an independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental organisation that is committed to promoting liberal policy and politics.
Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA)
An independent non-profit public interest organisation promoting democracy in South Africa.
South African Institute of Race Relations
Commentary on topical issues. Some publications and articles are free to read; some require membership. Race Relations Survey details developments in housing, education, politics, land distribution, labour, health and welfare, business and crime