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"Paradise Garden" Restauration to Revita
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) informs about plans to restore the Bagh-e-Babur garden and the Mausoleum of Timur Shah. With pictures of both locations.
CNN Weather
Current conditions and forecast.
A map of the city from 1980.
Kabul Gallery
Photo galleries showing life in the city, the zoo and Paghman gardens, by Kjetil Palmquist.
Kabul: Weather
Current weather conditions and forecasts.
Mustafa Hotel
Offers information on the accommodations, including photographs of the rooms, restaurant and internet cafe.
Seeds of Hope for Babur Gardens
International organisations hope to restore the once-spectacular tomb, palace and mosque.
Survival Guide to Kabul
Virtual presentation of the book Kabul: The Bradt Mini Guide, by Dominic Medley and Jude Barrand. Provides detailed information on sights and security, restaurants, hotels and guesthouses. Includes photos, readers' comments and press coverage.