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Afghan News Channel
This site is a 24 hours online news site. The news is mostly about Afghanistan.
Afghana Journal
E-zine featuring essays, poetry, art, and stories, mostly on Afghan society and culture.
Aryana Outdoor Journal
Online site of the magazine published by the Afghanistan Cultural Association Sweden, in English and Dari. With image gallery and links.
Hazaragi Magazine
Bilingual online magazine in English and Haziragi for the Hazara community.
Lemar-Aftaab - Afghanmagazine.com
Online magazine focusing on the arts, literature, music, history, culture, plight and the life of the Afghan people.
Mardom Nama-e Bakhter - Afghan Scientific Research
Scientific research journal issued every six months, containing articles on the history, geography, archaeology, culture, life style, and other aspects of Afghanistan. It is published in the Afghan national languages Pashto and Dari, with each article containing an English abstract.