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Hizb-e Wahdat Islami Afghanistan, Hizb-e-Wahdat Islami Afghanistan, Jumbish-i-Milli, Liberal Democratic Party of Afghanistan (FDPA)
Dostum, Rashid, Karzai, Hamid, Khan, Ismail, Massoud, Ahmed Shah, Qadir, Abdul, Zaher Shah, After the Taleban, BBC News Profile: Dr Abdullah Abdullah, BBC News Profile: Younis Qanooni, Female Minister "is Afghan Rushdie", Interview with Abdullah Abdullah, Interview with Sima Samar, Sima Samar, Suhaila Seddiqi, The woman who stood up to the Taliban, Yunus Qanooni: Ready to Open Up Cabinet Position
Taliban Islamic Movement
Mullah Mohammed Omar, Abdul Mujahid of The Taliban, Afghanistan Under the Taliban, Analysis: Who are the Taleban?, Bush Gives Taliban $10 Million To Fight Opium, Global Learning Outreach: Constituting War in Tali, Guardian Unlimited: Mullah Omar - in his own words, ISIM: The Taliban Enigma, Journalism under the Taliban, Mother Jones: Pipe Dreams, Oil barons court Taliban in Texas
Afghanistan Liberation Organisation
Communist organization. Standpoints, publications, history.
Afghanistan Peace Organization
Suggestions as to how peace in the country can be promoted.
Afghanistan Politics
Directory of Afghan political parties inside and outside the country with brief descriptions.
Afghanistan, the Taliban and the US
A guide to online resources on Afghanistan, the Taliban, and the US compiled by the South/Southeast Asia Library at the University of California, Berkeley.
After the Taliban
Economist article on the different political parties and the chances for Afghanistan's future.
Bin Laden May Fall Victim to Afghan Betrayal
Analysis by Shiraz Paracha for IWPR of changing Afghan loyalties to Osama bin Laden.
Donors Debate Urgent Afghan Aid
Aid donors gather in Brussels to discuss the programme of rebuilding war-torn Afghanistan.
Home Office: Afghanistan Assessment
UK Immigration office prepared this thorough assessment of the human rights, ethnic and political issues in Afghanistan in Sept. 1999, for asylum purposes.
International Conference on the Reconstruction of
Speeches and statements, press releases, documents and photos.
Spotlight Falls on Afghan Expert: Stephen Evans
The Guardian portrays the Foreign Office specialist on Afghanistan, who reopened the British embassy in Kabul for the first time in more than a decade.
The Cost of Rebuilding Afghanistan
Estimates vary wildly, but it is certain that reconstructing Afghanistan will cost billions and take years.
What's Next for Afghanistan?
Scholarly article by Julie Sirrs in the Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, analysing past political influences and predicting future trends. Includes illustrated profiles of key figures.
Youth Movement for Peace and Democracy
Offers information on the political views of the organisation, articles and commentary on the situation in the country and the monthly publication "Peace and Democracy". Includes a chat, guestbook and links.