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Atlapedia: Bhutan
Overview of geography, history, culture, languages, climate and economy.
Banknotes.com: Bhutan
Contains image galleries of Bhutanese banknotes.
Bhutan WWW Virtual Library
A comprehensive listing of internet sites related to Bhutan, with accumulated information stored on the local server.
Bhutan-Fortress of the Gods
Austrian site featuring Bhutanese history, a guided virtual tour, photos, information on religion, handicrafts and artifacts. The site also features a glossary of Bhutan-specific terms.
Bhutan: A Virtual Museum
Austrian site featuring Bhutanese history, a guided virtual tour, photos, information on religion, handicrafts and artifacts. The site also features a glossary of Bhutan-specific terms.
CIA World Factbook: Bhutan
Contains information about the country, political system, geography, people, military, economy and transportation.
CountryWatch.com: Bhutan
Features an overview of news, maps, general information, language, history, economy, agriculture and environment.
Dragon's Gate
An introduction to Bhutan. Also includes a few photographs.
InfoPlease: Bhutan
Includes national flag and overview of geography, history, population, government and other general information.
Information on Bhutan
Newspaper articles on politics, government, foreign policy, and other issues by Rakesh Chetri.
Library of Congress: Bhutan
Comprehensive case study on the country with sections on its geography, economy, political scenario, national security, history, transportation and communications.
Lonely Planet - Destination Bhutan
Includes maps, information about environment, history, culture, attractions and practical information for visitors.
MSN Learning & Research Plus: Bhutan
Includes a profile of the resources, people, economy, government and history.
Photius.com: Bhutan
Overview of Bhutan's economy, geography, government, transportation, communications and people.
World66.com Guide to Bhutan
Features extensive information on history, travel, sights, accommodation and culture.
WorldRover Guide: Bhutan
Bhutan maps, facts and travel guides.
WSCoin.com: Bhutan
Contains information on geography, government, people, economy, military, maps, currency, communications and transnational issues. Samples of the national currency are also available.