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Travel Services
Arniko Travel, Tibet Tourism Bureau Shanghai
Access Tibet
Offering travel information on Tibet, the Potala Palace and other tourist attractions.
Independent Travel to Tibet
Detailed practical advice on planning a trip, from the Australia Tibet Council.
Basic information about Tibet, its sights and selected hotels. Offers tours to Tibet and China.
Logoi.com: My First Trip to Tibet
Account of an attempt to visit Tibet in 1987.
Lonely Planet: Tibet
Information on travel practicalities, attractions and events.
Outdoor Tibet and China
Promoting Chinese adventure tourism to Tibet and supporting the Chinese presence there.
The Guardian: Neither Safe Nor Sound
By John Gittings. Discusses the purpose and effects of restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on travel to Tibet.
Tibet Trip
Description of major cities and highlighed sites in Tibet and tour arrangements.
Travel China Guide: Travel Tibet
Various tours of Tibet, the Everest Base Camp and Kathmandu.
Travel to Tibet
Introductory information on independent and package travel, with pages of images. From the Australia Tibet Council.