english deutsch
Central Policy Unit
Including information on the unit, speeches by its members and records of related conferences.
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office
Includes information on the role of Chief Secretary and its organisation chart.
Commerce and Industry Bureau
Information on trade policy, organisational chart and trade initiatives of the government.
Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau
Bureau is responsible for Hong Kong's commercial releationship and technology releated issues.
Constitutional Affairs Bureau
Includes organisational chart, information on constitutional issues and initiatives of the bureau.
Economic Development and Labour Bureau
The bureau has the policy responsibility for Hong Kong's labour matters and economic infrastructure.
Education and Manpower Bureau
The bureau responsible for the formulation, coordination and implementation of education and manpower policies in Hong Kong
Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
The bureau is responsible for policy matters on environmental protection and conservation, development of transport infrastructure in Hong Kong.
Financial Secretary's Office
The office responsible for the fiscal and economic policies of the government.
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
The bureau responsible for overall resource planning including drawing up and applying overall public expenditure guidelines and managing/coordinating the annual resource allocation exercise.
Financial Services Bureau
The bureau responsible for maintaining and enhancing Hong Kong 's status as a major international financial centre through the provision of an appropriate economic and legal environment for an open, fair and efficient market.
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
The bureau responsible for expanding and improving health and welfare services in Hong Kong
Home Affairs Bureau
The bureau responsible for protecting and promoting the rights of individuals, community, and youth development. Includes information about its organisation, information on related policy initiatives and publications.
Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau
The bureau responsible for developing strategic policies on housing, planning and lands.
Public Sector Reform Information Centre
Efficiency Unit developed the PSRIC. Areas of focus are Private Sector Involvement, Outsourcing, Public Private Partnerships, Major Re-engineering, Organisational Restructuring, Trading Funds, Performance Management and Management Assurance in Hong Kong.
Security Bureau
Includes information on policy objectives, consultation papers, security and travel advice and press information.