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City Weather
Clickable map, shows four day forecasts for a number of cities across the country.
India Meteorological Department
The country's national meteorological organisation. Information about weather, rainfall, earthquakes around the Indian sub-continent region.
Indian Monsoon Data
Contains technical meteorological information, including maps and historic data. Also some data for the rest of the subcontinent.
Indiaserver.com: Weather
Detailed updated weather of major cities.
National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasti
Details of the center, and links to a variety of pages with weather forecasts.
The Weather Channel
Links to weather conditions, forecasts, and radar maps for many Indian cities.
Weather Resource System for India
Current weather conditions, forecast, cloud images and meteorological analysis.
Weather Underground: India
Temperature map for the country, also with temperature, pressure, humidity, and air conditions for a number of locations.