english deutsch
Berau Forest Management Project
A pilot project created in 1996 by European Union and The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry to develop a replicable example of sustainable forest management in Indonesia.
BOS - Balikpapan Orangutan Survival Foundation
Supporting the orangutans and their reintroduction to their natural habitat in Kalimantan. Site includes profile, news, informations on orangutans and background environmental information about Kalimantan.
The Balikpapan Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) helps sponsor a reintroduction program for confiscated orangutans on the island of Borneo.
Friends of the Environment Fund
An Indonesian not for profit and independent organization aiming at implementing sustainable development concept and assisting various conservation efforts.
ICBB - Indonesian Center for Biodiversity and Biot
Site of a non-profit, non-governmental research organization with mission to develop people's awareness of biodiversity and biotechnology.
KEHATI Foundation
Grantmaking foundation for programs in the area of Indonesian biodiversity conservation. Bilingual site.
The Australian Orangutan Project - AOP
Supports many orangutan conservation organizations.
Volunteers Alliance for Saving the Nature (Arupa)
NGO based in Yogyakarta who fights to revise inappropriate national forestry, resource management paradigms and policies. Contains profile and description of publications. Publications themselves are in Indonesian and Javanese.
WARSI - Conservation Information Forum
Network made up of twelve NGOs from four provinces in Sumatra whose focus is biodiversity conservation and community development. Presentation of the organization and of its various projects.
WWF Indonesia
Site of the Indonesian chapter of the World Wildlife Fund For Nature, an independent conservation organization. Includes e-card, merchandise, news and online activity kit.