english deutsch
Colleges and Universities, Bernard English School, Helena English School, Japanesque Garden, Tsukuba International School
Guides and Directories
Hitchhiker's Guide to Tsukuba, Traditional Events Around Tsukuba, Tsukuba City Guide by the Rainbow Club, Tsukuba Information Center
Science and Environment
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Counc, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Infor, Center for Global Environmental Research, Japan, Geographical Survey Institute, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK, Japan International Research Center for Agricultur, Japan International Science and Technology Exchang, Japanese Industrial Standards Center, Meteorological Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)
Society and Culture
Association of Filipino Scholars in Tsukuba (FAST), Catholic Church Tsukuba, Events in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Hash House Harriers, Indians in Japan, International Training in Communication, Tsukuba C, Livetalk Tsukuba, Shinshin Toitsu Aikido Soshinkan Dojo, Singakademie Tsukuba, Tsukuba Area International Residents' Associa
Travel and Tourism
Lodging, Epochal Tsukuba, Tsuchiura Tsukuba Convention Bureau
Cable television company. Also provides internet access.
Alien Times
Newsletter created for and by the foreign residents of the city.
Frontier Bar and Grill
Site includes events, menu, and map.
Computer sales with service in English.
Sweet Home Chicago Live Events
Blues bar and restaurant with live performances by regional blues, jazz, folk, and rock talent.
Tsukuba Botanical Garden
Part of the National Science Museum. Site includes garden information, events, database, and art gallery.
Tsukuba City
Official city government page with introduction, public facilities, traffic, information for daily life, and international cultural interchanges.
Tsukuba Public Library
Main collection is in Japanese, but also includes smaller sections of English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian materials.
University of Tsukuba Hospital
Includes map and information about how to make an appointment.