english deutsch
Chubu Economic Federation (Chukeiren)
A voluntary economic organization comprised of 813 companies and organizations to promote and internationalize the Chubu area economy.
Chubu HSST
Describes development of the linear motor train and its possible use for high speed public transportation from the Chubu New International Airport. With overview of design.
Chubu Philippine Friendship Association
Provides mutual cooperation and assistance in adjusting to Japanese society, promote friendship and good relations.
Chubu Regional Bureau of the National Personnel Au
Exercises jurisdiction over Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui. With charts and organization maps of the bureau for civil cervants.
Gourmet-Navigator - Chubu
Listing of several restaurants in the Chubu area grouped by area and cuisine.
How to Walk of Japan
Several sites for tourists, mostly in the Chubu area. Mangled English descriptions.
JALT Chapters in Chubu
Directory of chapters of the Japan Association for Language Teaching in Chubu.
Mission Japan - Chubu
General information on the Chubu region from a Christian missionary perspective.
The Chubu International Airport Proposal
Information and news for the proposed new Chubu Airport.
The Chubu Region - Japan
Site providing information on Chubu Mountains, South Alps and Ise Shima National Parks.