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Ainu - Spirit of a Northern People
Online exhibition of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History exploring the ancient origin of the Ainu, their relations with the Japanese, and the Ainu cultural rebirth.
Ainu Articles
From the Alaska Native Knowledge Network. Links.
Ainu Language and Japan's Ancient History
Provides a series of documents on the language of this indigenous people as well as the culture of the Jomon period.
Ainu Photos
Four small candids taken by Michael Smith.
Ainu-English Word List
List of common Ainu words and their English translations.
Foundation for Research and Promotion Ainu Culture
Includes guide to foundation's establishment and organization, and provides information on events, Ainu cultural information, Ainu Culture Center in Tokyo, and audio materials.
John Bachelor
Life story of John Batchelor (1854-1944), an English missionary who became the first westerner to learn the Ainu language, record its grammar in English, and make the Ainu known to the western world.
Literatures and Materials of Ainu Language: For Le
Provides database of materials related to the Ainu Language and culture, including literature, video, audio, and weblinks.
NOVA Online - Island of the Spirits
Companion web site to the NOVA program which explores the Ainu people.
The Ainu Language
Basic sentences and numerals in Ainu, with corresponding downloadable sound files and English equivalents. Bilingual site (Japanese and English). Also, some sociolinguistic information on the language.
The Ainu Museum
Presents collections of cultural artifacts, performances of traditional dances and ceremonies, and demonstrations of folk arts.
The Ainu of Japan
Suite 101 Article by Andy Thompson.
The Samurai and the Ainu
Brief discussion of racial differences from Science Frontiers October 1989.
Toward a Genuine Redress for an Unjust Past: The N
Analysis of a case involving the right of the Ainu to be considered an indigenous people, and to enjoy the legal protection of their culture.
Traditional Ainu Fishing Techniques
Article and photos by Jean-Philippe Soulé.