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Arts Council of Mongolia
A Mongolian organization that advocates and supports the development of Mongolian arts and culture.
A Mongolian Artist resident in Germany.
DoRe's community
Mongolian Real Audio music collection.
Haburin Tsetsege
Images of Chinese paintings by the Mongolian artist, now resident in the U.S.
Images of the artist's works, including Chinese paintings, murals, sculptures and designs.
Mongolian and Tuvinian Music
Discography on Mongolian and Tuvinian music and reviews of selected recordings.
Mongolian Artisans' Aid Foundation
Order your own Mongolian Ger or other craft product.
National Costumes of the Mongolian People's R
Pictures of Mongolian traditional costumes, with short introduction.
The Legacy of Chinggis Khan
Pictures and descriptions of articles which were brought from the Asian Art Museum for exhibition in San Francisco.
Traditional Music and Instruments of the Mongolia
An overview of instruments and traditions
Union of Mongolian Artists
The main goal of the UMA is to promote the works of Mongolian artists in Mongolia and overseas and to assist international collaboration of Mongolian artists with their international partners.
Urna · World Music from Inner Mongolia
Info about Mongolian singer Urna Chahar-Tugchi, tour dates, CD-releases (Jamar, Hödööd, Tal Nutag, Crossing), and mp3-samples.