english deutsch
National Parks
Information for Mongolia - Places and Regions
Association of Mongolia Angling Guides
An association of fly fishing businesses concerned with the conservation of Taimen in Mongolia
Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia
An independent implementing agency of the Mongolian Government in charge of basic geological and mining surveys, research and the registering and issuing of licenses.
Mongolia and Wyoming/Montana
Compares Mongolia with similarclimate US states Wyoming and Montana.
Mongolian Abbreviations and Acronyms Database
Includes official abbreviations used for country names and political parties as well as the ones found in military and former MPRP propaganda context.
Mongolian Biodiversity and Ecological Studies
Studying Mongolia's environment and assisting its peoples in both conserving these resources and encouraging economic development through ecological tourism.
Mongolian birds
Information on birds in Mongolia, including a list of all 415 species present in the country.
Mongolian Nature and Environment Consortium
Alliance of nature and environmental conservation research institutes, centers and NGOs of Mongolia working to promote environmental sustainability. Includes information about consortium projects and international cooperation.