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Abbottabad: The Valley Of Peace
Information, history and pictures.
At the top of the world in Pakistan
A virtual tour at the top of the world in Pakistan. Pictures and descriptions of Skardu, Gilgit, the Karakoram Highway, the Baltoro Glacier and the Khunjerab National Park by Florence Smith.
Cyber Tour of Pakistan
Pictures and information of prominent places, by Zahoor Iqbal Khan.
Danny Yee visits Northern Pakistan
Long write up about a trip to Northern Pakistan (Peshawar, Chitral, Upper Yarkhun, Gilgit, Kashgar in China, Hunza and Islamabad) in 1999 by a group of geologists. Many excellent photographs.
Destination Pakistan
Guide to Pakistan from Lonely Planet.
Pakistan travel guide
Hotels, travel and tourism. Site has a review of all the major tourist destinations in Pakistan as well as a short history of the country.
Pakistan Travel Web
Travel Resource for Pakistan. Covers events, archaeological sites, cities and also the mountains and valleys.