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Agnostic Notes
Essays on Christianity in the Philippines and religion in general.
Ang Dating Daan
With information on the religion, doctrines, Biblical topics, references, and articles of incorporation.
Ang Dating Daan References
It has downloadable .pdf format files of religious book references, magazines, newspapers, publications, and other documents of different religions all over the world.
Ang Dating Daan Sites
Unofficial Websites of Ang Dating Daan
Baha'i radio station for the Philippines
Radio station to serve Philippine Baha'is launched. Links to info on the Baha'i Faith.
Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippin
The CBCP provides information on many aspects of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines.
Christ's Commission Fellowship
Resource for the Fellowship. Includes archived sermons, bible study and events.
Christian Churches of God Philippines
Teaches the Christian faith in its original form, as taught by the Messiah and the Apostles, through scholarly bible study papers.
Church Along The Riles
The Church along the Riles is a "born again" Protestant church in Barangay Layon, Ligao City, Albay Province, Bicol Region, Philippines, the largest Protestant church in Albay.
Developing a Philippine Philosophy
An attempt to outline some common thoughts and ideas in the belief and wisdom systems of the pre-colonial Filipinos and the modern Filipino tribal beliefs.
El Shaddai
The charismatic Catholic movement with over a million members (some estimate five million) which has mobilized the poor as a force in Philippine religion, politics and social policies.
Iglesia Filipina Independente
Official site of the Autonomous Catholic Church in the Philippines.
Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Description and history of the Philippine Independent Church.
Iglesia ni Cristo
Has a TV schedule.
Iglesia ni Cristo: Food for the Soul
Information on Iglesia ni Cristo. The topic changes every week.
Indigenous Religion and Cosmology of the Philippin
The complex realm of Philippine spiritual belief.
Islam in Philippines
History of Islam and the present struggle by Muslims in the Philippines
Islam in the Southern Philippines
Course outline on Philippine Muslims, their history and their religion.
Jesus Is Lord Church
This very large Fundamentalist Charismatic Christian Church has a huge following among the urban poor of the Philippines. It sometimes works with El Shaddai, the Charismatic Catholic movement, to speak for the poor politically.
Life is a Beautiful Journey
With Christian-inspired quotes, essays, and photos.
Lola of Maipon
Lola of Maipon and the religion which she began. Indigenous prophet of the Bicol Region of the Philippines who started her own religion in 1968.
Maranao People and the Islamic City of Marawi
Information on the Maranao People and other Philippine Muslims, especially in Mindanao. Religion, history and current news given.
Metropolitan Community Church Philippines
With its statement of faith, reading materials, announcement and activities, resources and links, and local gay news.
New Apostolic Church Philippines
Part of New Apostolic Church International, served by Canadian missionaries. Has over 1000 local churches. Introduction to the work in the Philippines, how to get in contact, photo gallery, summary of beliefs.
Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism of the Philippines
Information on this sect of Buddhism in the Philippines.
Pantheism In The Philippines
A description of Pantheism and some of the beliefs and aspirations of Pantheists in the Philippines.
Pasugo Online Magazine of the Iglesia ni Cristo
Iglesia ni Cristo - God's Message - Pasugo Magazine On line edition
Philippine Atheists
Information and articles from the Philippine Atheists group.
Philippine Freethinkers Forum
A discussion group for Freethinkers.
Philippine Independent Church.
Philippine Independent Church. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
Philippine Nontheists Group
A discussion group for rational religious thought, religious liberals of all varieties.
A ministry effort of the combined churches in Philippine which includes Tribal Crossworks Ministries, Bibleway Christian Fellowship, Active Christian Fellowship and Love Asia Missions Partner (LAMP). Site includes their statement of faith, prayer request page and contact information.
Pinoy Atheist
This group is for the thinking Filipino, who is sick and tired of organized religions, of priests and pastors who tell them what to do and not to think, and of a God who underestimates our capacity to be rational and logical.
Pinoy Atheist: A journey of an atheist in Manila.
Blog of a "Pinoy Atheist", with much information on different theological and philosophical postions.
Rational Universal Church
A religion for Rationalist Freethinkers, based on the Universal Life Church.
Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco
Official Website of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians (also known as the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco). Educational organization which has several important training centers in the Philippines.
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Celebrates the first Filipino saint.
The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Short history of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, with addresses and links for more information.
The Story of Methodism in the Philippines
History of the United Methodist Church in the Philippines.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines
Official site of the United Church. Note that local churches will still carry pre-union names, such as Evangelical Church.
Universists of Albay Province
Local congregation of Universism, a religion for Rationalist Freethinkers, in the Bicol Region of the Philippines.