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All About Kimchi, Best of Korea - Kimchi, Gimchi- Korea's Food, How to Make Kimchi, If You Want to Know about Kimchi ..., In Korea, There's No Escaping Kimchi, Kim Chee Collection, Kimchi Story, Kimchi: The Pungent and Fiery National Dish of Kor, Korean Cuisine - Kimchi
All About Korean Food
A brief article about the traditional Korean meal, including manners and preparation.
AsianInfo.org - Bulgogi Recipe
Article on the preparation of Korean beef stir fry includes easy recipe with step by step instructions.
Cook Korean
Includes popular recipes such as bulgogi, kimchi, and bibimbab, as well as a guide to Korean etiquette and celebrations.
Counter Intelligence: Korean Comfort Food
LA Weekly article by Jonathan Gold. Describes Gook Soo as much more than just a noodle.
Famous Korean Foods
Offers an introduction to common Korean foods and drinks, a brief overview of table manners, and a list of western restaurants chains to be found in the Seoul area.
Food Network: Korea
A guide to Korean cooking, including descriptions of classic dishes, recipes, essential ingredients, and restaurant and travel tips.
Food of South Korea
A look at traditional South Korean fare, including regional dishes and foods served on special occasions.
Garak Market
Brief facts and history about Seoul's wholesale agricultural and marine products market. Includes regular schedule of operations and auction times for major commodities.
Haechandle Co.
Manufacturer of several staples of Korean cooking. Site provides brief descriptions of the items and explains how they are used.
Korea - Ginseng and Morning Calm
Recipes and articles on Korean cuisine. From GlobalGourmet.
Korea Agricultural Fishery Marketing Corporation
Provides various support services in agricultural and fishery marketing sector.
KoreaInfoGate - Taste of Korea
Provides an in-depth look at kimchi and ginseng.
Korean Insam
Explores the history of insam (ginseng), how it is produced, and its benefits. Also explains how it may be used and provides statistics related to the ginseng industry.
Life in Korea: Food and Drink
Describes dozens of popular dishes, including grilled foods, different types of kimchi, soups, stews, noodle and rice dishes.
Survival Korean -- Restaurant
Provides the words and phrases foreigners need in a Korean restaurant.
The Characteristics of Korean Food
A brief look at the distinguishing marks of Korean food.
The Mood of Korean Food Stands
A Rice University student describes the atmosphere of Korean food stands.
Traditional Korean Culture - Kimchi and Pulgogi
Two foods that people have come to identify with Korea are kimchi, a fermented vegetable dish, and pulgogi, a marinated meat dish. This site describes both in detail.