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Personal Pages
Davlatov, Hamza, Doing Business in Tajikistan and Iran, Hudaykulov, Muzaffar, Shakirov, Timur, Umarov, Noor
Ethnologue: Tajikistan
Languages of Tajikistan. Part of Ethnologue: Languages of the World_, 14th Edition; Barbara F. Grimes, Editor; SIL International, 2000.
For New Tajikistan
Yahoo group.
Open Society Institute
Annual Report: Tajikistan.
Organizations - Tajikistan
A list of organizations by locality and by area of activity.
Parish of St. Roch
Kurgan Tube. Roman Catholic church, with Masses in Russian. Brief introduction, in English and Spanish, to this ethnically mixed parish, including address and Mass times.
Rewriting Tajik History
A short essay about the russification of Tajikistan from the authors viewpoint.
Roman Catholic Church of St. Joseph
Dushanbe. Offers Mass in Russian and English. News items, Mass schedule, photos, information on the Catholic Church in Tajikistan. Site is in English and Spanish.
Snowman stories in Tajikistan
Stories about the ghyl, a ape-like creature covered in long dirty hair.
Tajikistan Humanitarian Situation Report
The social situation, peace process and accords.
The International Committee of the Red Cross
A timelime of activities by the agency in the country.