english deutsch
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh, Moreorless hero files - Ho Chi Minh, Why I Hate Ho Chi Minh, Wikipedia: Ho Chi Minh
Vo Nguyen Giap
Vets with a Mission - Vo Nguyen Giap, Vo Nguyen Giap, Wikipedia: Vo Nguyen Giap
BBC News: Timeline Vietnam
A chronology of key events in the recent history of Vietnam.
My Lai Peace Park Project
Dedication commemorates the My Lai massacre on its 30th anniversary (1998). Descriptions of other projects, news and photos.
Pete Peterson: Assignment Hanoi
A film documenting the return to Vietnam of a former POW as US Ambassador on a mission of reconciliation. Information on Peterson, the mission and the film.
South Vietnamese Air Force, 1951-1975
Detailed account of aircraft including photos, types, squadrons and pilot portraits.
Viet Nam, Then and Now
A personal history, travelogue and photo essay of a Vietnamese-American's trip back to Viet Nam.
Vietnam's Knowledge Base
Brief history of Vietnam.
Wikipedia: History of Vietnam
Listing of key events since the second century BC with emphasis on the post-colonization period.