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Casa Tours, Casa Xelaju, Celas Maya, Centro Bilingüe Amerindía, Escuela de Español Sakribal, Guatemalensis Spanish School, Instituto Central America (ICA), Juan Sisay Spanish School, Madre Tierra Spanish School, Miguel Angel Asturias
Centro Maya de los Altos
Sells Mayan handicrafts and offers classes in Spanish and weaving, to fund education for rural girls and women. Includes photos and details of programs.
La Pedrera Community Project
A grassroot indigenous community project empowering its people to learn basic skills in education, economic and social issues to improve their living conditions in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
Proyecto Salud Integral
Non-profit offering healthcare and outreach services to communities of the Llanos del Pinal valley just outside Quetzaltenango. Describes programs and volunteer opportunities, with newsletter. [English/Spanish]
Quetzaltenango Map
Full color map of quetzaltenango, restaurants, shopping centers, phones, buses, internet, and hotels.
Xela Pages
Includes Spanish schools, hotels, restaurants, tours and treks, volunteer opportunities, bars, health services, and internet cafes.