english deutsch
Declaration of Rights: Indigenous People and Natio
Declaration of support by Indian leaders of North and South America for claims made by Atalantic coast indigenous organisation MISURASATA against Nicaraguan government.
Foreign Policy In Focus: Nicaragua
Article critically examining relations between the U.S. and Nicaragua since 1990; includes policy recommendations.
Indian War in Nicaragua, Rivera Peace Initiative
Essay by Rudolph C. Ryser on role of leader of MISURASATA indigenous organisation in negotiating peace during Contra war against Nicaragua.
MISURASATA Statement 1985
Unofficial English translation of autonomy statement claiming right to indigenous autonomy on Atlantic coast.
Nicaragua and the Indian Revolution
Essay by Bernard Nietschmann on indigenous uprisings during the 1980s.
Report on the Nicaraguan Indian Peace Initiative
Account of peace talks between Indians and Sandinista government during the 1980s.
Yatama Peace Initiative
Background and detail of YATAMA indigenous organization's peace initiative with government.
Yatama/Nicaragua Accord
Unofficial English translation of basic preliminary accords between the government of Nicaragua and Yatama organization resulting from dialogue in 1988.