english deutsch
Acquisition of the Panama Canal
Overview of early British and French canal efforts, US negotiations with Colombia and the subsequent revolution, and the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty.
Bruce Ruiz
Personal site includes family photos and stories, as well as post cards, history, and statistics on the canal.
Canal Zone - Cyber Zone
Dale C. Clarke's personal memories and family stories of life as a "zonian", along with photos and images of historical documents.
Canal Zone Memories
Personal page includes photos, recipes, and memories.
Cocoli Kid
Photos and personal memories of growing up in the Canal Zone in the 1940's and 50's.
Convention for the Construction of a Ship Canal (H
Text of US-Panamanian agreement to build and operate the canal.
Crossing the Isthmus of Panama before the Canal
Overview of post-Columbian trade, including Spanish fleet system, Camino Real, and Panama Railroad Company.
Crossroads Bible Church
Cardenas. Independent interdenominational church describes history, activities, and worship times.
Dave Furlong
Poetry, photos and song lyrics from the earliest days of the Canal.
Kobbe Kid Album
Gary Lee Strong's photographs of the canal and surroundings, as well as school and recreational activities.
Kobbe Kids
For Ft. Kobbe and Howard AFB kids. Includes reunion information, history of the two US military facilities, and contact list.
Panama and Canal Zone
Explores the history of Panama and the Panama Canal, includes photos and contact information.
Panama Canal Cyber Museum
Photos, historical press releases, Barro Colorado web cam, and personal memories.
Panama Canal History Museum
Offers a history of the canal, photos, prints, stories, documents and books available for purchase.
Panama Canal Museum
Operating by the Panama Canal Society Foundation, Incorporated. Provides a mission statement, list of the board of directors, online membership application, online gift shop, reunion information and includes contact information.
Records of the Panama Canal
Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States.
The Lost Paradise
Includes links to Canal Zone high school reunion sites, recipes, photos, and contact information.
The Panama Canal Society of Florida
Dedicated to preservation of ideals and friendships formed while working and living in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama.