english deutsch
Ancestors of Freddy Charlier
Genealogy of this family originating from Ham-sur-Sambre and, in general, from Basse-Sambre.
Ancestors of Frederic D. Collin
Ancestors and relatives of Frederic D.Collin, mainly from Belgium.
Cyndi's List for Belgium
Links to archives, mailing list, maps, families, researchers, publications, software, queries, records, and societies.
Ignace Debruyne's homepage for genealogy.
Genealogy De Clercq / De Clerck
The family genealogy.
Genealogy of the Legrand Family
Description of the ancestors and descendants of families Legrand, De Quin, De Clercq, Deheneffe, Ralet, Raingo (Province of Luxemburg, near the city of Neufchâteau).
Kloosterman Genealogy
Kloosterman genealogy from 1550 up to 2000. Research about emigrants to America.
Mondron Family
A family site that relates to a genealogical research still in progress over the members of a family traced back to the 16th century and spread over two continents: Europe and America.
Steen Weterings
Genealogic data about Steen and Weterings families, the first originating from West Flanders in Belgium, the second from Sealand and Northern Brabant, the Netherlands and from East Flanders, Belgium.
The Belgium-Roots Project
Assists the descendants of Belgian emigrants and immigrants living abroad in tracing their Belgian roots and heritage.