english deutsch
Australian Croatian Genealogical and Historical So
Helping people trace ancestors that migrated to Australia from Croatia. Incorporating Australian croatian Genealogical web ring and information on families researched so far.
Genealogical research in Croatia.
Croatian Genealogical and Heraldic Society
Croatian genealogy and heraldic society, croatian books.
Croatian Genealogical and Heraldic Society (CGHS)
Non-profit educational genealogy research organization and Croatian-English language book publisher.
Dalmatian Ancestors
Research in genealogy tree of forefathers from Dalmatia.
Mazuranic Family
The Mazuranich family originates from the village of Novi Vinodolski, Croatia.
The Curkovic Research and Genealogy Page
A page dedicated to researching Curkovic family roots (origin, history, and genealogy) in Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina.