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News, articles, and theatre events in the city, plus a venue directory and archived editions of the print magazine.
Puppet, alternative, figural, and experimental theatre in Hradec Kralove.
National Brno Theatre
Includes schedules, programs, and history, plus information on ticket sales, the management, buildings, and contacts.
Perfidni Divadlo
An amateur theatre where female roles are performed by men. Includes an introduction and details of performances.
Regina Breclav
Theatre of poetry with scenic metaphores and procedures leading yo synthetic and open performance.
The Naive Theatre
Puppet theatre based in Liberec. Includes history of the establishment, image galleries, and details of the annual festival, plus contact details and a guestbook.
The National Moravian-Silesian Theatre
Ballet, drama, opera and operetta artistic ensembles.
The Theatre Institute
Czech research institute with information on theatre, ballet, dance, puppet theatre and other forms of the performing arts. Includes projects, databases and publications.
Theatre Kvelb
Experimental theatre. Offers background and details of performances.
Theatre Revue
Studies, analyses and essays about historical and genre aspects, since early Middle Ages till nowadays.
Offers tickets for a wide range of performances around the country. Includes a large, categorised events database with upcoming highlights for each category and overviews of each listing, plus a search facility and contact details.