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Antiquites Serignan
French and provençal 18th century furnitures and antiques, collection of tables, side-boards and collectibles.
Art and creation
Arts and antiques, ancient books, furniture, frames, bronze, porcelain, jewelry in Cannes, French Riviera.
B&J Kerridge Antiques
Classic and unusual fine french antique furniture.
C.D. Arts Antiques
French Cezanne country antiques, lodging.
Chinese Antique Furniture at Asia Home
Chinese antique furniture of dynasties Ming and Qing of Chine and Tibet by the fabricant and renovator directly from China and Indonesian furniture in France.
Antiques for professionals and decorators.
France Antiques
Here you will find the information on the french antique market.
French Antique Dealers
Directory of dealers by geographic location.
Horlogerie Vitat
Carillons cartels et pendules. Specialiste des horloges comtoises et des coucous. Saint Etienne(42).
Justine de Paris
Catalog of available objects and collectibles. Based in the Paris Flea Market.
Le Passage Saint Michel
First permanent antique market in bordeaux. 45 dealers and 1600 m2 of showrooms. Bordeaux.
Architectural antiques for home and garden. Located in Houdan.
Syndicat National des Antiquaires
Grouping of more than 400 professionals of the highest level, consult the directory of the French Antique Dealers classified by name, geographical and by specialities.