english deutsch
Mercatus GmbH, Sapristi Gartenmöbel
Sales of German traditional costumes and accessories for men, women and children. Leather pants, loden jackets and other items can be ordered custom-made.
Dieter Schmit Fine Tools
Located in Berlin. Provides woodworking tools, traditional English saws, Japanese saws, planes, sculptors' tools, chisels, workbenches and scrapers.
Diskus-Studio Frank Tinnes/Hermann Sander
Offers breeding and sale of dicus aquarium fish.
Ernst Benary Seed Growers Ltd.
German wholesaler company for ornamental seeds.
European Moslem Bookshop
A European Islamic bookstore with hundreds of discount titles available to buy online.
Götz Puppenmanufaktur
Doll manufacturer features their handcrafted dolls and designer doll collection. Company history and press stories available.
Hans Jurgen Muller KG
Produces a range of handmade shaving brushes finished with silver tipped badger hair. Also offers shaving kits and accessories such as shaving soaps, shaving mugs and straight blades.
Intuition's Shopping Gateway
Order records by Intuition and associated labels online.
European-wide online shopping guide.
The International Store
American and British foods, snacks, drinks and magazines by mailorder for ex-pats living and working in Germany.