english deutsch
Antique Prints
Historical prints of Berlin from the last centuries, each described and illustrated.
Photographs taken in the city from 1997, showing untouristed parts of the town such as derelict sites and construction projects. Organised by area, with commentary. By Matthias Bettag.
Berlin 1945 in pictures
A collection of photographs and places of interest during the fall of Berlin to the Red Army in 1945. Photos taken in 2002.
Berlin Photos 1989-1999
Photos of various locations around Berlin, including East Berlin and the Wall, by Ian Sanders.
Berlin Satellite View
A satellite view of Berlin derived from Landsat data.
Berlin Wall - Web Photo Exhibition
A series of colour photographs of the wall.
PhotoMann Travel Photography
Images of the city which can also be mailed as postcards. With accompanying travel article.
Teufelsberg Panoramas
Images of NSA Field Station Teufelsberg Berlin.
Trendiez - Graffiti from Berlin
Includes pictures of graffiti to be seen adorning buildings all over Berlin.
Virtual Berlin
Panoramic views of events and sites in the city, as well as webcams and other images.