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Coach House Courses
Weekend courses in the arts and crafts.
County Sligo Vocational Educational Committee
Provides a range of adult and further education, training, support services and special projects.
Geevagh National School
A four room school, with a strong interest in sport, in the south east of the county.
Institute of Technology, Sligo
The Institute is one of Irelands' most progressive third level colleges. With student numbers reaching close on 3,000 the college offers courses in the fields of Science, Engineering, Business and Humanities.
Moylough School
Includes school information, a parish news letter and photographs.
Ransboro National School
The school is situated approximately three miles from Sligo. At present it has seven teachers and 184 pupils.
Sligo Grammar School
Sligo Grammar School is a co-educational boarding and day school in the north west of Ireland providing a broadly based education.
St. Angela's College
Courses to enable present and future religious educators to engage with the Catholic Christian tradition, other Christian traditions and the major world faiths.
St. Attracta's Community School
Community school amalgated from Marist Convent and Banada Abbey Tubbercurry.
St. Edward's National School
A school in Sligo town with 275 students and 13 teachers.
Stokane National School
This is one of the 15 primary schools located in a triangle west of the Ox Mountains, and east of Killala Bay.