english deutsch
Chamber Of Commerce
Offers information about companies, economic events, tourist attractions, culture, sports and statistics.
Gulf of Trieste
Insider's tips, culture, history and touristic information on the city and its riviera.
Hotel Colombia
Includes location, services, accommodation, reservations, and rates.
Hotel Istria
The hotel has been recently renovated and is now made up of 22 room. Includes information, location, and online booking.
Hotel Milano
Three-stars hotel. Includes rates and information.
Hotel San Giusto
Includes information, location, and online booking.
Key Tre Viaggi
Travel agency specialized in incoming for Trieste and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
La Tecnica
Sells and installs products related with communication and information technology.
A guide of Trieste with tourist information and pictures of military ships during port visit.
Nuovo Albergo Centro
Newly restructured hotel in storic center.
Shipping agency and coffee manufacturer. Company overview, mission, fields of activity and contact information.
Trieste and Outskirts
Photo galleries, tourist information, local itineraries, culture and history of this middle-of-Europe city.
Trieste Bed and Breakfst
Located in a palace built during the Asburgic Period, presents some photos and prices.
Trieste Ferries
Provides real time ferry ticket sales, timetables and passenger information for ferries to and from Trieste.
Trieste Mia
Charm and mystery of this Mid-Europe city between Venice and the Istrian Peninsula. Tourist information, photos, screensavers, folk songs, historical research.