english deutsch
Alpenhotel Panorama
Three star hotel with health and beauty facilities. Includes description, photographs, prices and enquiry form.
Hotel Brunelle
Three stars. Includes overview, images, location details, price list and request form.
Hotel Floralpina
Four star hotel with fitness facilities. Overview, services, price list and contact information.
Hotel Gstatsch
Three star hotel with restaurant. Includes overview, facilities, position, price list and booking.
Hotel Saltria
Three stars. Overview, photo gallery, gastronomy, price list and request form.
Hotel Santner
Includes description of the three star accommodation, facilities, prices and booking.
Hotel Steger-Dellai
Four stars. Includes description, images, news, special offers and contact information.
Residence Dolomitenhof
Three star apartments for 2-6 people. Includes description of accommodation, services, newsletter, prices and reservations.