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Agriturism In Tuscany, Agriturismo.com, Campagna Amica
Vacation Rentals
By Owner, Directories, Rental Agencies, All Tuscany, Barcarelli, Calcina, Guicciardini, Italianresidence, My Tuscan Houses, Tuscany Lodging
Selection of country farms; details, photographs and online booking.
German agency, database site with listings and photographs for a range of properties.
Net Reserve
Searchable database for various types of accommodation. Descriptions, photographs and pricing.
Accommodation database from this German agency. Images, descriptions and pricing, plus some regional information.
Rent Tuscany
Offers rentals in country houses, farmhouses, villas and apartments in Tuscany and surrounding localities.
Chiefly an accommodation agency, there are also some brief details on trips and excursions offered. Some photographs, pricing, and brief descriptions.
Database site, searchable by region, with addresses and links where available.
Agency database site offering assorted types of lodging. Images, descriptions and pricing.
True Tuscany
Information on reservations via a searchable database. There is also an online shopping section.
Tuscan Heights
Two properties in separate locations; photographs, details and pricing plus photo-galleries and maps.
Tuscan Last Minute
Offering late booking accommodation. Descriptions, photographs and online reservation requests.
Tuscan Way
Offers cooking course vacations and tours in Southern Tuscany. Information, recipes and dates of courses.
Tuscany Vacations
Database site of various type of property. Search function, some photographs and brief descriptions.
Lists vacation rentals in villas, farmhouses, apartments and bed and breakfasts.
Listings of apartments, farmhouses and villas. Descriptions, photographs, rates, online availability and booking.
Offering assorted types of accommodation, by area. Descriptions, images and details of service.