english deutsch
Billabong Bar
Australian-themed sports bar. Includes picture and location information.
Dolmen Resort Hotel
Provides accommodation. Includes location, services, directions, image tour and contact details.
Fenix Real Estate
Real Estate company dealing in residential and commercial properties. Includes properties available, and information about buying property in the country.
Little Waster Pub
Includes location map, entertainment and picture galleries.
ParkLane Hotel
Provides self-catered accommodation. Includes facilities, rates, image gallery and contact details.
Sol Suncrest Hotel
Includes descriptions of the rooms, leisure activities, facilities, and conference centre.
Sunflower Hotel
Provides hotel accommodation. Includes hotel overview, news and online reservation.
The Clock Place
Offers apartments for rent. Includes price list, facilities, photographs and contact details.
Tuckers Pub
Contains guestbook, image gallery and contact details.