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Ceausescu's Fortune
Online exhibit of the late Romanian dictator's opulent and often garish displays of wealth.
Ceausescu's Journey to the East
Academic paper examining the influence of the personality cults of Mao and Kim Il Sung on Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu. Downloads as PDF.
Ceausescu's Master Race and his Gypsy "R
Article by Ian Hancock examines the virtual enslavement of Gypsy (Roma) people under the dictatorship of Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu.
Ceausescu's Trial
Transcript of Nicolae Ceausescu's December 1989 trial.
Central Europe Review - Ceausescu's Return
Looks at Ceausecscu's legacy ten years after his execution.
Death of the Father: Ceausescu & Romania
An examine of the Ceausescu regime and its aftermath.
Elena Ceausescu: The negative role model
The execution of the Ceausescus in 1989 destroyed the image of Elena as the female ideal, but no one has ever really taken her place. Strangely, Elena Ceausescu still largely defines what it would mean to be a powerful woman in Romanian politics today.
History House: Caligula and Ceausescu
Explores similarities between the ancient and modern dictators.
Killer file - Nicolae Ceaucescu
Includes a short biography and background notes on the Romanian dicatator.
Nicolae Ceausescu - Romania's Dark Age under
Texts, pictures and other media are assembled to examine the regime of the late dictator.
Nicolae Ceausescu's Securitate In Exile
A tongue-in-cheek look at Ceausescu's police state and its mentaity.
Nicolae Ceausescu, 1918-1989
Brief biographical sketch of Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu.
Nicolae Ceausescu, a Modern Despot
Examines the 1965-1989 rule of the Romanian dictator.
Was Nicolae Ceausescu a Vampire?
Examines Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu obsession with Vlad Tepes Dracula.