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Kropotkin, Peter
Anarchism, Kropotkin Archive, Kropotkin Reference Archive (part of the Marxists
Makhno, Nestor
Nestor Makhno, Nestor Makhno Archive, Nestor Makhno biography, The Nestor Makhno Archive
Serge, Victor
Peter Sedgwick: The Crucial Year - Victor Serge on, Serge Internet Archive, The Dissident Marxism of Victor Serge, The Life, times & confessions of Victor Serge , The Unhappy Elitist:Victor Serge's Early Bols, Victor Serge, Victor Serge
1917 Russian Elections
Election results from various bodies during the Russian Revolution.
1917 Russian Revolution
Gallery of photographs taken in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) during the 1917 Russian revolution.
America's Secret War
American intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1918-1920.
Anarchism and the Russian Revolution
Articles from the Workers Solidarity Movement, an Irish anarchist group.
Bolsheviks in the Russian revolution - how the re
Articles by Avrich, Rosenberg, Koenker and other social historians on the Bolsheviks and the degeneration of the Russian revolution
Bolshevism, Fraudulent Practice of Democratic Cent
A Marxist critque of Bolshevism and the Bolsheviks use of Democratic Centralism, by Albert Weisbord.
Civil War in Russia
Reviews the conflict between Red and White forces from1918-1921. Details of all defense and offensive operations with maps.
Constitution of the Russian Soviet Federated Socia
The first Bolshevik constitution.
Documents on US Foreign Policy in Russia
Documents on US Foreign Policy in Soviet Russia, 1918.
In Defence Of October
Summary of significance of the Russian Revolution by its co-leader, Leon Trotsky, with an explanation of how the Revolution was distorted and betrayed by Stalin.
Intervention and Civil War 1918-1920
Article on the armed intervention in the Russian Civil War by the US and other western powers.
Joseph Stalin's Speech On Red Square On Anniv
From Soviet Russia Today, December, 1941.
Makhnovists & The Russian Revolution
Short introduction about the anarchist Makhnovist movement and the role they played in the Russian revolution.
My Disillusionment in Russia
Anarchist Emma Goldman writes of her experiences in revolutionary Russia.
North Russian Expeditionary Force 1919
Accounts of the Allied force in North Russia fighting the Bolsheviks around the Dvina River 1919. Taken from the accounts of a Royal Navy Signalman, complete with many photographs
October 1917 : A lost opportunity for socialism?
Texts and photographs from an anarchist perspective on the Russian Revolution of October 1917. Examines why the revolution ended up with a state run dictatorship under Stalin and the role of Lenin and Trotsky in this process.
Quotes from the Russian Revolution
A couple of quotes from Lenin, Kolchak, Shingarev, and others.
Russia in 1919
Arthur Ransome describes the economic, social and political situation in Russia from February to March, 1919.
Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy
Documents from 1917-1920 covering Soviet policies towards Germany, Romania, China, peace, foreign internvention, economics and other topics.
The Balance Sheet of October
A long essay from a Trotskyist viewpoint.
The Crisis in Russia (1920)
British reporter Arthur Ransome's detailed analysis and explanation of the new Soviet regime, written a year after his book "Russia in 1919".
The Masks and Ignorance of Bolshevism
A Marxist critque of Bolshevism and the Bolsheviks by Albert Weisbord.
The October Revolution, A Collection of Russian Ar
Jacob and Marley Auction which was held in New York.
The Path to Revolution
Dateline presented by the Russian National Tourist Office.
The Revolution of 1917
Lecture text by Professor Gerhard Rempel at Western New England College.
The Russian Revolution
A page of worthy quotes collected by Rich Geib from such sources as Pasternak, Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, D.H. Lawrence.
The Russian Revolution
Collection of organized links on the historical event.
The Russian Revolution
Introduction to the principal players in the revolution. It also has a reading list, sections about relevant topics and links to useful websites.
The Russian Revolution - Rosa Luxemburg
Contemporary essay on the revolution and its problems by German Marxist Rosa Luxemburg.
Was Stalinism implicit in October?
A Green view on the Bolshevik Revolution.
Yale Slavic & East European Collection: Leader
Short biographies of various leaders of the Russian Revolution including Lenin, Trotsky, Kalinin, Kirov, Martov, Axelrod, Zasulich, Ordzhonokidze and Zhdanov.