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Boris Yeltsin
Unofficial web-site dedicated to Boris Yeltsin; his life, career, and pictures.
Boris Yeltsin
A biography of the former Russian President.
Kirsan Ilumzhinov
The President of the Republic of Kalmykia.
Portraits of Soviet and Russian Political Leaders
Portraits of Soviet and Russian Political Leaders.
Putin's 'Putsch'
Article on Vladimir Putin and the situation he faces in Russia today, by Rob Jones, published in Socialism Today.
Russia's Vladimir Putin
Provides short biography of the former KGB agent and leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
Sergey M. Mironov
An impressively informative personal site of the Chairman of the Federation Council, the upper chamber of the Russian parliament.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin's career and photos.
Vladimir Putin Story
An announcement about the upcoming story on Vladimir Putin. Visitors are invited to submit their own stories based on the life and career of the Russian President.