english deutsch
Historical Personages
Exhibition Albert and Isabela, Isabella I of Spain, Letters of Philip II, King of Spain, 1592-1597, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Project, The
Reconquista, Abraham Ibd Daud: On Samuel Ha-Nagid, Vizier of Gr, Chronology: Medieval Spain 410-1492, Ibn Abd-el-Hakem: The Islamic Conquest of Spain, Islam in Spain, Islamic Spain (711-1492), Medieval Sourcebook: Arabs, Franks, and the Battle, Medieval Sourcebook: Book of the Maghrib, Medieval Sourcebook: Selections From Poetry of the, Moorish Spain, Muslim Spain
Columbus and the Age of Discovery
Text retrieval system of over 1000 articles, speeches. conference papers, and opinions on encounter and discovery themes from Millersville University.
Historia a Debate
A sustained network which brings together historians from all over the world, through both activities where they are present and the web, in and outside the academic institutions.
History of Bilbao, Biscay. Basque Country
Bilbao been has populated from very old, long before its foundation like villa, and thus they testify the found archaeological findings in its subsoil.
Library of Iberian Resources
Searchable collection of full-text papers and articles available electronically.
Lopez Martin Collection of Maps and Manuscripts
Collection of late sixteenth and early seventeenth century documents coming from Spanish and Dutch archives.
Resources for Spain
Provided by the University of Kansas. Includes hundreds of organized links to historical associations, bibliographic resources, libraries, archives, museums and publishers.
Spain -- Primary Documents
History of Spain: manuscripts and original documents.
Spanish Civil War
A library of links to sites focused on Spanish Civil War, classified by language and by topic.
Spanish Legion
Its history and photos.
WWW Virtual Library: Spanish History Index
Provides links to various gateways, journals, organizations, and other resources relating to the history of Spain, organized by geography, chronology, or topic.