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CV Services
A Perfect CV, About Guide, Advancia, Bradley CVs, Career Consultants, Career Services Ltd, Connect CVs, CPD Nursing Documentation Services, Create your CV, CV Excellence
ASLEF, BBC News, BBC News, The Kingsmill Review, The Oxford and Cambridge Careers Handbook, The Rt. Hon. Patricia Hewitt, Women and Equality Unit, Women's Employment Enterprise and Training Un, Work Rights For Women
Directgov - Employment
Official government site offers job search, career information, advice on job applications and interviews, training opportunities, New Deal schemes and workers' rights.
Targetting the over 50s, with a focus on promoting career opportunities.
Guardian Unlimited: Work
Entertaining news, features and advice about issues at and about work. Resources include Dr Work, How To, Wage Slaves and quizzes.
Features advice on resigning, careers advice, CV articles, a discussion board and a job search provided by totaljobs.
Redundancy Help
Advice and information for those that have been made redundant, from employee rights and money to jobseeking.
Salary Search
Online pay and salary database.
SHL Direct
Offers guidance on applying for jobs, example personality questionnaires and aptitude tests with feedback.
Silver Links
Resource for older IT professionals to overcome ageist barriers to employment, includes advice and links .
The Independent: Careers Advice
News and recent articles on careers from the national newspaper.
The People Team
Services include Professional CV Writing, coaching and interview techniques.
A guide to employment law, including the national minimum wage, maternity rights and employee relations. Constructed by the Department of Trade and Industry.
UK Recruiter
Information for the recruiter and recruitment researcher. CV database, recruitment agency listings, employment and jobs sites.
Working Futures
Provides on-line advice together with a job search database.
Offers help and advice on employment law, keeping well at work, and a union finder.
Employment network offering job searches in many different sectors and advice on recruitment issues.