english deutsch
Action on Entitlement
A campaign to protect special needs education entitlements against threatened changes.
Alliance for Inclusive Education
A national network of promoting inclusive education, which can support all young people to learn, play and live with each other. Information about their principles, activities and contact details.
CSIE (Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education)
An independent centre working to promote inclusion and end segregation in the UK education system. Information about their activities and publications.
Enabling Education Network
Providers of a range of resources relating to world wide inclusive education. Based at Manchester University.
Independent Panel for Special Education Advice (IP
Offers free and independent advice on Local Education Authorities' legal duties to assess and provide for children with special educational needs. Includes details of services, and of helplines.
Network 81
National network of parents working towards properly resourced inclusive education for children with special needs. National helpline, literature and training for parents and professionals.
Parents for Inclusion
Support site run for parents by parents who have children with disabilities and are committed to their children's inclusion. Includes details of the support they offer, training, press releases and family stories.