english deutsch
Nursery Schools
Acorn Day Nursery, Rainbow Nursery
Primary Schools
All Saints' Voluntary Aided Church of England, Broadmead Lower School, Bromham C of E Lower School, Christopher Reeves Lower School, Cople School, Gravenhurst Lower School, Great Barford Lower School, Hadrian Lower School, Husborne Crawley Lower School, Ravensden Lower School
Resources for Educators
Bedfordshire Schools, Bedfordshire Schools Improvement Partnership
Secondary Schools
Bedfordhighlife, Harlington Upper School, John Bunyan Upper School and Community College, Wootton Upper School
Specialised Instruction
Mid Bedfordshire Adult Education Consortium
Vocational and Technical
1 to 1 School of Motoring
Bedford U3A
Local branch of the University of the Third Age meeting in Kempston and Brickhill. Describes the organisation with newsletter, course list, travel news, diary and photograph gallery.
St Andrew's School
Educates girls from aged 3 to 16 years and boys from 3 to 8 years. Contains a welcome, a message from the headmistress and location details.
St Johns School
Special School for pupils between the ages of 2 and 19, situated in Kempston.
Teach-me Tuition Service
Offers one-to-one private tuition to children of all ages and in all national curriculum subjects in the UK, in Bedfordshire.