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Sellafield Reprocessing Plant
BBC News - What is nuclear reprocessing?, British Nuclear Fuels, Children of Plutonium, Crisis deepens over British nuclear reprocessing p, Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment, Greenpeace - Reprocessing, Guardian Unlimited - Nuclear Reprocessing, Guardian Unlimited - Today's issues - Sellafi, N-BASE Sellafield Crisis, Possible Toxic Effects from the Nuclear Reprocessi
A590 Now Campaign
The A590 Low/High Newton bypass campaign concerning the Lakeland, Ulverston and Furness areas of Cumbria. Vote for a bypass.
Arcadian Archives
Garden magazine covering a wide range of topics but with particular interest in contemporary horticultural writing. Includes much plant advice and descriptions of many gardens in Cumbria. From Janet Queen and Jim Waugh.
CryptoCumbria - Animal Mysteries in Cumbria.
The website for those with an interest in animal mysteries, and mystery animals, in Cumbria.
Cumbria Apple Project
A report based on a survey of apple orchards in Cumbria, UK
Cumbria Biodiversity Partnership
A partnership involving local people, landowners, voluntary organisations, industry, government agencies and local authorities. The aims are to ensure that the great variety of wildlife in Cumbria is sustained and, where possible, enhanced.
Cumbria County Council's Corporate Environmen
A wealth of information on Cumbria's environment, sustainable development, sustainability indicators, Local Agenda 21 and environmental monitoring, reporting, news, events and policy.
Cumbria RIGS Group
Cumbrian part of a nationally conceived scheme for the conservation of important geological and geomorphological sites.
Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust
The use of Landfill Tax to provide grant aid to Cumbrian Community projects. About the Trust, the Landfill Tax Grant Scheme, and some project examples.
Cumbria Wildlife Trust
An organisation whose aims are to protect the wildlife of Cumbria. Today it has about 4000 members and manages around 40 nature reserves.
Kirkby Thore Traffic Steering Group
Village campaign for a road bypass on the A66.
Lake District Tourism and Conservation Partnership
Their role is to raise much needed funds for conservation projects and to raise awarenss amongst visitors of the need to protect the fragile environment of the Lake District.
Local Agenda 21 for Eden District of Cumbria
Promoting a sustainable lifestyle with less pollution from transport and industry, waste recycling, education, health and information for the public. Definition of LA21, news and projects.
Nature Notes from Eden and the Lake District
Weekly nature diary from north Cumbria, Eden Valley and the Lake District.
Robin Rigg Proposed Offshore Wind Farm
Documents and maps describing the proposed 60 turbine 200 MW offshore wind farm, in the Solway Firth.
Solway Firth Partnership
A coastal management partnership that embodies a voluntary and co-operative approach to management. Strategy, maps, photos, news and research information.
Solway Rural Initiative
For information on wildlife, heritage, tourism and landscape in and around the Solway coast and plain.
South Lakeland Recycling
Details of the blue box kerbside recycling scheme run by South Lakeland District Council.
Talking Rubbish
Considers the collection, treatment and disposal of municipal waste but describes aspects of the other types of waste where relevant. Proposals and consultation documents for the future of waste disposal in Cumbria.
The Limestone Pavements Action Group
Campaigns to protect limestone pavement; works to improve the management of limestone pavement habitat in the UK. INcludes information about their creation and natural history.
The River Kent
A brief guide by The Environment Agency, to the River Kent, which starts its journey from the hills surrounding Kentmere, then flows for a distance of only 20 miles before entering the sea at the northern end of Morecambe Bay.