english deutsch
Tendring Technology College
Frinton and Walton Swimming Pool
Facilities include a 25m swimming pool with flume, a shallow water area for children and a solarium. A spectator area and vending service is also provided. Includes contact details.
Kirby Tennis Club
Informs and promotes social and competative tennis to all ages and abilities in the NE Essex area. Overview, match play, juniors, coaching and extras.
Lots Media
Video and film production company that direct and produce business, promotional, and training videos. Includes description of services and contact details.
Richard Compton
Sage solutions for sage line 50 accounting software. Includes a brief description of services offered and contact details.
Estate agents. Profile and searchable list of properties for sale.
Thrift Music
Mail order company selling folk and other instruments. Specialise in accordions, concertinas and rare guitars.