english deutsch
Disability Resources
Brain Solutions, Gloucestershire County Association for the Blind W, Gloucestershire Lifestyles - Changing Lives By Cha, James Hopkins Trust, Orchard End Group
GENUKI: Genealogical research information about Gl, Gloucestershire Family History Society, Gloucestershire Genealogy, Gloucestershire Genealogy (GLOSGEN), Hidden Heritage, Scribe's Alcove, The Genealogy of the Cotswolds & Surrounds
Personal Pages
Chris Connor's Web Site, Halapeno High, Leila Driver
Chalford Tabernacle Baptist Church, Cotswold Humanists, Diocese of Gloucester, Gloucester and Nailsworth Monthly Meeting, Pagan Federation South West (UK), Stroud and Dursley Circuit of the Methodist Church, Tewsbury and Cheltenham Methodist Circuit
Action for a Fairer Gloucester
A voluntary group chaired by local business promoting equality of opportunity. Includes jobs and how to join.
Age Concern Gloucestershire
An independent charity that works to promote the well being of older people throughout the county.
B4221 Action Group
Features a campaign to reduce the volume, speed and weight of traffic on the B4221 in northwest of the county.
Belas Knap Long Barrow
History and pictures of this ancient burial mound plus directions to reach it. Neolithic in origin, it's about 55 metres long and hump shaped. The dry stone walling is impressive.
Carols Smile
A Registered charity formed in 2002 in memory of Carol Harbord who died in February that year at the age of 31 of hodgkins disease.
Chalford Band
Official site of a thriving brass band organisation near Stroud, with three groups covering all ages and abilities. News, history, events and contact information.
Church Bells in Gloucestershire
A Ringer's guide to towers in Gloucestershire.
Features information, advice, guidance and support service for young people.
Cotswold Owl Rescue Trust
Features information on owls, how to treat injured birds, pictures and the aims of the society.
Fair Shares
Fair Shares will set up and evaluate UK pilot projects using "time money" as a new technology for rewarding participation and rebuilding communities. The first three projects are in Gloucestershire.
Gay & Lesbian Gloucestershire Helpline
Includes links, feedback and news.
GFWI - Gloucestershire Federation of Women's
Includes local information, events and contact details.
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association
Guide to the towers in each local branch and giving details of ringing times.
Gloucestershire Beehive
Community groups and charities offered a free website by the local paper.
Gloucestershire Carers Project
The Project offers the information and support needed to make life easier for carers and the people they care for.
Gloucestershire Chinese Womens Guild
Voluntary organisation helping the Chinese community. Includes description of services, photos and video clips of events, with some Chinese language information.
Gloucestershire Constabulary
Annual reports, information on crime prevention and Neighbourhood Watch schemes, traffic information, with special pages for current e-fits and missing persons.
Gloucestershire County Council Conservatives
Features a manifesto, candidates and other information.
Gloucestershire Emergency Accommodation Resource
Charity providing services for homeless people, including a day centre, a night shelter and a community garden project.
Gloucestershire Gay Police Association
Provides internal support available to staff and assistance with policies and procedures that affect the external community.
Gloucestershire Guide Association
An organisation for women and girls of all ages, part of girl guiding and girl scouting.
Gloucestershire Inter-Varsity Club
A multi activity club for young professional people anywhere in the county. Site describes events and club nights.
Gloucestershire Local History
Information, events and links to organisations relating to local history in the county.
Gloucestershire Parish Churches
Over 300 photographs plus detailed charts analysing the architectural features on the top of each church's tower.
Gloucestershire Transport History
Features a bulletin board, photographs and articles.
Grapevine Youth Services
Advice, Information and Support for 14 - 25 year olds in the county.
Hetty Pegler's Tump
Also known as the Uley Barrow. Description and photos of this chambered neolithic long barrow .
Holst Birthplace Museum
Features re creations of his house, contact details and a brief biography.
Industrial Archaeology in Gloucestershire
The Gloucestershire Society for Industrial Archaeology. ? Information on the Society's activities and about I.A. in the County.
Linking Communities
A Black and Visible minority ethnic Network.
Living Independently in Gloucestershire
Features support service to people opting to take a Direct Payment in lieu of Social Services community care services.
Includes local and family history, reminiscences, a virtual stroll, events and activities and the village magazine.
Race Equality Council for Gloucestershire
Includes vacancies, contact details, and a description of the services offered.
Round Table Severn Vale Area 23
A forum for meeting people from all walks of life, organising fund raising events and community activities. Site has diary, pictures and links.
Sergeant Bruce Hancock RAFVR
A page outlining the events of 18th August 1940, the collision resulting in the death of Sgt Hancock and four Luftwaffe airmen at RAF Windrush.
Teens in Crisis
Provides advice, counselling, education, youth work and crisis support services to young people aged 11 - 21 and support to parents. Includes advice to teens and parents, information for professionals, services, news, diary and job vacancies.