english deutsch
Desford Colliery Band
Information and history about the band which originated with the local miners.
Desford Community Primary
Brief details about the local primary school.
Desford Library
Opening times and information about the small library.
Desford Parish Council
Meeting dates, council members list and the official parish newsletter.
Desford Striders
Basic information about the local running club. Includes club member contact details.
Quartz Technical Services Ltd.
Manufacture single sided, plated through and multilayer PCBs. Includes photographs and technical information about services supplied, with contact and location details.
Sector Design
Design and manufacture of merchandising displays and instore communications. Includes clients and photographs.
St Martins Church
Information and a virtual tour of this place of worship for Church of England members.
Tropical Bird Gardens
Information about the aviaries and the birds. Includes opening times for this tourist attraction.